Anyway, we've been in the PICU since Wenesday. Jordan is still getting his fever on and off until now up to 105! Whenever he get his fever he gets little fussy and had hard time to breath, very unusual for us cuz he never had a breathing problem before. Doctors suggest to do all kind of test like urine, nasal congestion and of course blood culture.
There are two test came back positive, the first test is called fungus bacteria. Since Jordan have some small rushes on his lower abdomen between his left thigh (first skin rushes he had for long time), we are thinking this could be one of the reason why he's still having a fever. The fungus bacteria grew in his blood, very scary to think of it but come on who would think of a small rushes on your baby skin could cause a fever! I guess if you have a very delicate child you really have to be extra-precaution, if you see something weird on his body, skin, or even just when baby is sleeping call a doctor right away. We added another medication for him to treat this bacteria called Amphotericin, and this one goes to his IV line instead. They placed the IV line on his right arm, amazingly Jordan can still be able to sit down by himself and pull himself up, thats how strong his arms and hands.
The second positive test is called Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), this is causing his breathing, if you listen to him, he sounds like he is congested and have a very stuffy nose (not looking like he's having an asthma) a little caugh too. Doctor said this type of virus usually comes on fall like October and November until spring. Oh well Jordan caught it first than anyone else. I knew I shouldn't leave the window open at night, I've learned my lesson. There's no medication on this one. Doctors just want to leave it and just keep him away from any germs meaning we are back on wearing isolated gown and he is not allowed to go out side of his room. Is this virus could be causing him a fever? we don't know yet. We still have to wait and see how he would react when he get a fever and no tylenol were given. So far the last fever he had was two hours ago and it just went away without the tylenol and he wasn't fussy at all.
This is what I am thinking, because of Jordan having a klebsiella infection recently. Base on my research this type of infection can usually get from the hospital and if you get it outside the hospital it is called klebsiella phuemonia. I think this is why he got the RSV. His immune system is so weak that he could get virus easily.
With all this infections, bacteria and virus growing on his blood at the same time makes me worried. The first time I cried and worried about is when I found out he had E.Coli ( two months ago) The rest of our hospital stay I didn't worried much cuz I know he will get better. But right now its been 4 days and yet he still get high fever. I am worried and every single day I cry thinking my baby is getting sick. Will he get better and when? doctors wants to see negative culture first before we go home.On a bright side...even though George and I are stress we still try to keep our faith and keep our positive outlook in life. We are still excited on his first birthday. Thank God for Jordan strength, he always make us happy and laugh. He just learned how to clap his two hands, before when I clap his hand he would do the same thing to me like he would hold my two hands to clap. but now he claps when he's watching t.v or if he see something funny especially when he see us smilling at him. He also talking more like dada, dada and more daaadddaa and sometimes he say mum and brrrrr. When he doesn't have a fever he just want to play with us and always try to impress us with his new skills. I love it when he does something new like one time I can't believe he just bend over his kness and laugh hard. I think he likes the view upside down.