Saturday, August 30, 2008

Infection, bacteria and virus!

Hi to all! I apologized for not blogging in a few days. Things are not going well with our little champ. Jordan was positive in klebsiella infection, it is a bacteria that came from his colon and had excaped and went to his broviac line, we are threating it with anti-biotic called Cexrophine (not sure the spelling). We got discharged last Monday and will continue to give it to him within 10 days. Two days after being discharged, Jordan spike up a fever of 102! I really don't know why he has a fever so we decided to take him back to the PICU, maybe it could be another infection or something else, but that can't be, he's on anti-biotic...oh well.
Anyway, we've been in the PICU since Wenesday. Jordan is still getting his fever on and off until now up to 105! Whenever he get his fever he gets little fussy and had hard time to breath, very unusual for us cuz he never had a breathing problem before. Doctors suggest to do all kind of test like urine, nasal congestion and of course blood culture.

There are two test came back positive, the first test is called
fungus bacteria. Since Jordan have some small rushes on his lower abdomen between his left thigh (first skin rushes he had for long time), we are thinking this could be one of the reason why he's still having a fever. The fungus bacteria grew in his blood, very scary to think of it but come on who would think of a small rushes on your baby skin could cause a fever! I guess if you have a very delicate child you really have to be extra-precaution, if you see something weird on his body, skin, or even just when baby is sleeping call a doctor right away. We added another medication for him to treat this bacteria called Amphotericin, and this one goes to his IV line instead. They placed the IV line on his right arm, amazingly Jordan can still be able to sit down by himself and pull himself up, thats how strong his arms and hands.

The second positive test is called
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), this is causing his breathing, if you listen to him, he sounds like he is congested and have a very stuffy nose (not looking like he's having an asthma) a little caugh too. Doctor said this type of virus usually comes on fall like October and November until spring. Oh well Jordan caught it first than anyone else. I knew I shouldn't leave the window open at night, I've learned my lesson. There's no medication on this one. Doctors just want to leave it and just keep him away from any germs meaning we are back on wearing isolated gown and he is not allowed to go out side of his room. Is this virus could be causing him a fever? we don't know yet. We still have to wait and see how he would react when he get a fever and no tylenol were given. So far the last fever he had was two hours ago and it just went away without the tylenol and he wasn't fussy at all.

This is what I am thinking, because of Jordan having a klebsiella infection recently. Base on my research this type of infection can usually get from the hospital and if you get it outside the hospital it is called klebsiella phuemonia. I think this is why he got the RSV. His immune system is so weak that he could get virus easily.

With all this infections, bacteria and virus growing on his blood at the same time makes me worried. The first time I cried and worried about is when I found out he had E.Coli ( two months ago) The rest of our hospital stay I didn't worried much cuz I know he will get better. But right now its been 4 days and yet he still get high fever. I am worried and every single day I cry thinking my baby is getting sick. Will he get better and when? doctors wants to see negative culture first before we go home.

On a bright side...even though George and I are stress we still try to keep our faith and keep our positive outlook in life. We are still excited on his first birthday. Thank God for Jordan strength, he always make us happy and laugh. He just learned how to clap his two hands, before when I clap his hand he would do the same thing to me like he would hold my two hands to clap. but now he claps when he's watching t.v or if he see something funny especially when he see us smilling at him. He also talking more like dada, dada and more daaadddaa and sometimes he say mum and brrrrr. When he doesn't have a fever he just want to play with us and always try to impress us with his new skills. I love it when he does something new like one time I can't believe he just bend over his kness and laugh hard. I think he likes the view upside down.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I hate E.Coli

We had a long night last night. Poor Jordan he was running a fever at 12 midnight and was really fussy. I knew he is going to get sick again. So we rushed him to the PICU. They did blood culture and urince culture...ofcourse Jordan wasn't happy with all the needles. We almost finish about 6 am and went back to our room when doctors started doing their rounds, Jordan was up all night until 8 am! He started shievering and his temp spiked up 104. Oh gush another infection is back.
We gave him Tylenol to help his fever go down and as soon as he settled in he went to sleep. Right now doctor said that the culture seems like their is bacteria growing and they suspect it might the E.Coli but we will find out deffinitely tomorrow.
Two hours later and Jordan is feeling better. He is back to his normal activities...cooing, crawling and standing up. This boy is really amazing!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy 11th months old!!!

Mommy baked this for me chocolate fudges brownies with a lot of icing!

Im a big 11 months old baby!!!

I love playing, I could play all day 

I feel like we've been so much blessed for the past few weeks. Thank you God!  Jordan has been good, no fussy or fever! Although we are still very careful especially on keeping him away from infection. With all the Ostomy bag leakage and sometimes his caterer keep pulling down, it is always still scary for us. I hope he will continue this and just keep growing big. You should see his chunky legs :)
So today, I decided to make something special to celebrate our son's 11th month. I bake brownies and I actually burned the top ( never broil it...)ahhhhh what am I thinking,,, but anyway good thing I had some frosting and candies so I removed the burned top part and put a lot of icing instead hehehe. Luckily, my hubby and our friends like it better. Also I cooked some bake macaroni (my specialty, it reminds me home in manila) and some pork steak. Yum yum yum!

To our son, Thank you for being a fighter and believing! You amazed us each day with your strength. We love you soooo much!!!! love mom and dad!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who's crawling and walking?

Here are some of the pictures we had when we were in L.A. After surgery Jordan had been feeling better. Thank you so much to all of you for your love, care and prayers. Truly God is always there to watch over our son!

Check out my two bottom teeth :)
Playing with cousin Josie

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

At the Aquarium

Finding Nemo
3rd day after surgery he is already playing

Update- The past few weeks Jordan is getting better on his knees and legs. He is crawling around the house and sometimes I have to keep my eyes on him make sure he doesn't leave  his TPN bag. He is also getting ready to walk! We got him a walker and the first time he used it he was going backward...since then we always try to walk him around the house and I leave him in the walker once in a while and he is getting better,  also he could stand up by himself without holding anything for a second. So proud of our little champ!
Jordan had an Iron infused last Monday  and he did really well. He got rosy cheeks again and feeling much better. We will start doing it every week now. We increased his feedings and we started the MUD treatment again to clean his guts and to keep away the bacterial overgrowth.  
Ah Jordan is getting big and heavier too. His birthday is so close and we are preparing for the big day. We've already found a location were we will be celebrating it with families and friends and I can't to send out the invitation to everyone. In the meantime  I am still thinking about the party theme. Here are some of the theme on my list:
A. Circus and clowns
B. Lion and Different animals
C. Toys and Cars 
Please help us to decide which are this 3 list are more fun...I think they are all heehhehe....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We saw poopy!!!

Our prayer had been answered! Yes, he finally poopy today! Awhile ago while  I was busy preparing food for George's birthday. Jordan was really fussy, he won't seat on his swing or even play or hangout with other people, he just want me. So I decided to take him up to his room and change his diaper. When I grabbed him I kinda smell something and it stinks and Im thinking "did u poopy Jordan?" hmmm well maybe its something else and when I changed him I was surprised when i found it on his diaper. I called George immediately and showed it. We look like we had won in the lottery for excitement, we were dancing around wheee!  This is the first time since he was a month old, of course it is a good sign that his colon is working right! A wonderful gift for daddy's birthday hahaha.... good job Leon!!!

For the past weeks, we've been busy hanging out with our families in L.A. Leon anxiety with stranger or unfamiliar face are really not so good. He cries and get fussy, he just want me or daddy but sometimes he just really wants me. I am not happy about it because I can't leave him or I can't do some errands. Some tricks we do sometimes so he get familiar with the other person is we play with him or we introduce the person who wants to hold  him like his grandma or papa that way he could feel safe but sometimes  it doesn't work, he knows right away if its different people. He will cry like he sounds like he is in pain :(
Last Friday, we came back to UCLA for his follow up check up. Everyone are happy to see him and also Dr. Farmer , he was impressed to see Leon wound had healed quickly but he is not impressed with Leon Ostomy. Unfortunately it is a little push out and every time he cries it push out a little bit more although it doesn't look bad like before but  we still get crazy and frustrated sometimes when Leon cry so hard. Dr. Farmer said the good thing about this is you can push it back in and the best time to do it is when he is sleeping. Hhhmmm we never thought that before but we will try it when the ostomy got push out more. But right now we are not
 touching it. Another down side is of course the never ending change of ostomy bag. I really hate it when I run of supplies, its so hard to keep his bag sealed on his skin. I've tried probably 6 different bags and yet the best one is his newborn size bag (ref 3778). Sometimes though the bag stay at least a day or two depending on how much he move and play. Oh well in regards of his ostomy supplies I really need to change the amount of items of ostomy bag he is getting and I will call the health care provider tomorrow for follow up. We will see Dr. Farmer again in about 6 weeks.

Anyway, tomorrow we have a check up with Dr. Boamah. She is excited to see Leon and his new site of ostomy.  I am excited too because we are going to weigh Leon and talk about new foods for him. Hopefully he will be able to try something new and may increase his feedings too... cross finger. Oh yeah last night while unpacking his clothes I decided to put away some of the small ones and put it on the upper cabinet when suddenly I found some big bags full of his old clothes, when I opened it, it  was his preemie and newborn size clothes and suddenly I got teary eyed. I was just thinking of  how small he was and these are the clothes that he wore when he was still in the NICU. I can't believe my baby is growing so fast :(. Fra
nkly I treasure each day with him especially our play time together, when I bath him, when he try to impress us with his new stunts which is by the way he could seat up by himself now and crawl at least 2 to 4 steps ( thank God not all the way just think about his bag would be left out).  I don't want to miss a thing (like they say). I love when I put him in sleep, it is the sweetest feeling, hug and humming a song to make him fall asleep. I love just every moment with him. By the way our little champ will be turning 1 year old next month unbelievable!!!

First time in the beach, he loves sand at Santa Monica Beach