Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Watch Jordan trying to walk!

I've finally learned how to download videos in You Tube yehey and I can share some of Jordan's video to everyone. Here we are at the Village during the Veterans Day. Jordan can walk anytime soon. He is into walking right now, he usually pull himself up when he hold something and then he will try to walk across the room... he looks so cute. I think once he learned to stand up all by himself  then he will be officially a walker. 

Jordan just turned 14 months and I am happy that things are still on the right track. He managed to gain weight with only 18 hrs in the TPN. Proven that those guts are still working and will adopt slowly as he gets big.  He is 23 lbs  almost 32 inches tall. I think he will be tall like his dad. We added Pectin in his formula for more calories and nutrients. Right now he gets a total of 461 ml (per my calculation) for a day and I mixed it with a tablespoon of Pectin. He can now have 5 bottles of milk and 1 ounces of baby food. He loves rice cereal and oatmeal. Jordan doesn't like sweet taste yet. He is still sensitive in different taste but thats ok as long a he eat food I'm happy. 
We are hoping he will make it to 30 cc per in milk in two months, if it happen then he can be in TPN for 12 hours...yeah...I will be praying hard for that :)

Anyway, I'd like to Congratulate two beautiful girls and their wonderful parents, Ellie Brogan and Caleigh on winning off from TPN. You go girls!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Veterans Parade

We celebrated Veteran's Day at Pacific Hwy in San Diego last Thursday. This is Jordan first parade, he was so excited to see it and waited for his dada to walk in the parade.  


Saturday, November 8, 2008

a kiss from mommy

I am blessed to have our son home with us. I love every minute of it, sometimes I get really stress thinking just how to keep up with all of  his medical needs and doing all this every day sometimes we get too tired, but I don't give up because each day we see the improvement. The most important is our son is healthy and growing. 


I can't resist how chubby his  face! He is getting chunkier! Those huge legs are so strong... he could walk any time soon. 

He had reach 10. 5 kilos last thursday and our GI doc did some changes on his TPN rate, she lowered it because she think Jordan is gaining a little too fast. He did good on the first day of 18 hours TPN, with a 6 hours off from TPN, during those time he is still very active. He loves to cruise and walk under the dinning table, and climbing up to the stair. We have to start buying those gates, I actually bought one and had placed in one of our stair, as soon as Jordan saw it, he crawl straight to the gates and started pulling it, the gate I got is not strong enough to stay and it fell down. We have to buy the real one and have to install it.
We also started giving him rice cereal and he tolerated it good. We will also going to give him some oatmeal too. I think he is getting tired of baby food like the green beens that we always give him. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Daylight Saving Time

We woke up early this morning, it was around 7:30 am usual time we wake up every day. My in-laws are busy playing peek-a-boo with Jordan when I told them excitedly and proudly that Jordan will be done on his TPN at 12 noon. After two hours of playing, Jordan was so exhausted and took a nap at 9:30, as soon as I put him in bed and tried to changed his ostomy bag (leaking on the left side) I was counting the hours left and really thinking it will be done by 12 when I look at our wall clock and it's 10:30, oh gush I totally forgot about the time savings will be change at 12 midnight last night...TPN will be done by 11 am! hmmm now I'm a little bit alarmed because he will be disconnected until 6 pm, meaning he will be off for 7 hours, an extra hour. Since this is his first day on 6 hours off, I hope his blood sugar wont get too low and he doesn't get dehydrated. So I called George and told him that we need to set up the TPN and hook him back at 5:30 p.m that way we avoid him having miss the hours and we could go back to normal hours tomorrow. Later afternoon we left the house and do some errands and shopping when we check the time and found out that we only have an hour to get home to set up the TPN.  We rushed back home and we tried to set up on time unfortunately Jordan ostomy bag leak again and I have to change and clean him, by the time Im done changing him it was almost 5:45 p.m. There will be nurse coming tomorrow to draw blood and check his blood sugar level.  

Ah what a day and starting to get a little chill here in San Diego. We love it and can't wait for winter. It has been a little bit warmer for the past few days.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Up up and away!

Jordan had so much fun yesterday walking around. He is our Superman, he saved mama from a monster dada :). At 7 pm the weather was warm and beautiful and we decided to take a chance to take him out at night. We dressed him up as Banana Monkey and we headed to the Halloween Festival at our church... Jordan got so much candies and prizes. Im so happy that we were able to take Jordan out and do trick or treat. This is his first time, last year though he was still in NICU and was only 2 months old. 

Anyway so much things had been changed and Im happy things are going right. We had been increasing his milk and he is on 16 cc per hr right now and will increase it again on Monday. We are trying to get our goal to 20 cc. Jordan is now 21 lbs and 11 oz and our GI doctor decided to decreased his TPN hour since he is eating more. He will be in TPN and Omegaven for only 18 hours. Wow!

This morning we had a Feeding Therapist came over and she will going to help Jordan to eat more food. We discussed about trying new food and different texture of it, by doing this we will be able to find out what Jordan really like if he likes cold or warmer, thicker or more watery, for some reason I've never thought about doing this before, I always try to warm the food but never really mix it with different kind. Im going to discuss this to our GI doctor and see if she will give us a go that we can give him more food like rice cereal. 

Another exciting thing is that Jordan two upper teeth are starting to come in. We can see it every time he laugh or giggle. It's so cute and I cant wait to see them all the way in. He is drooling a lot and wants to eat every single toy he holds. 

Grandpa and Grandma are here right now for visit. They love playing peek-a-boo with Jordan. His is becoming more and more active. He loves to move around the house and his favorite spot right now is our dinning table.