Aaahh what a busy week for us. We are tired and very exhausted especially me had been staying in the hospital all day and night with my son. Although it is not as stressful than I thought it would be, it is actually more like learning new stuff for us. The only thing that made me stress about is keeping his Ostomy bag on his skin without leaking. Lately we've been changing his bag about 4 times a day, his skin are so irritated and the only way is at least change his bag before the output leak or touch his skin, some other items I used to help it seal are the stoma adhesive powder and my favorite Barrier Film by Cavilon, this help to stick the bag more, so far the skin is getting better. When I get a chance I will show you how I do and change his Ostomy bag. Also his wound (the old site of ostomy) is healing and we are trying our best to keep it clean and away from any infection. Unfortunately, every time his ostomy bag leak it always touch the wound dressing so we have to change everything. This is another dressing that I learned and have to go through everyday until the wound heals. I am glad some part of the skin is healing and closing up.
Well we got discharged today! This is probably the fastest discharged we ever had. We thought that we are going to stay for another week but I guess Leon is doing good and feeling much better. We started his feedings yesterday at 2cc per hour with Pedialyte, he tolerate it good and later we switched into formula. So far no vomiting and feeding rate was increased at 3cc today. We will keep that rate over the weekend and on Monday we will going to call our GI doctor for follow up. We are still in LA, Leon has a follow up check on Friday and make sure that he is good to go back in San Diego. We are home with our family and everyone are happy to see Leon being home with us again. Tonight I can't wait to get a good sleep and get some rest. Maybe I should try to work out tomorrow just to burn all the fatty food we had ate, UCLA has really good dinning food.
To all of our Family and Friends We THANK YOU all for the love and prayers.
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