This is one of Jordan's new favorite toy, we call it "red bambol bee". Every 5 pm after his TPN done, we take him outside for a walk. You should see his face whenever he rides in his car...a huge smile!
Daddy's trying to teach him how to hold on the steering wheals and then honk
I think he gets too excited that he forgot what daddy just taught him hahaha
Jordan is surely growing so fast, new skills he can do is pushing the walker, he received a gift from his nurse Ellen, its a push walker and he loves playing with it, he is walking around the house pushing the train, he also likes to play around the dining table, cruising around it. Every time he fall he will get up and walk again. I am still adjusting on his short hair though. He looks like more of his daddy now.
Update about what's goin, Jordan continues getting his fungus antibiotic ( 21 days more, infused for 2 hrs). We are back on actigal and he gets that twice a day. He can eat sweet potatoes and butternut squash (1 ounces a day) but I think he likes sweet potatoes so we tried to stick to it and greenbeens. When we started feeding him 4 months ago he did really good in eating but after we came back from UCLA (we kinda stop feeding him bec. of the surgery) when we came home he lost his interest of eating food so right now I ask for a therapy that will help him to eat again. Whenever I feed him he doesn't open his mouth although he does eat the food. Luckily our regional center were able to find us a therapist (from Sunny Day program school) that will help him to eat. The therapist will be coming to our house once a week for one hour and would teach Jordan how to eat and help him to development other skills as well. I think we'll start next.
Last Thursday we had an appointment with Dr.Boamah our GI doc, good news we weight Jordan and he is about 19 lbs and 6 ounces yehey he gained 6 ounces in a week! I am happy he made it 19 lbs on his birthday. Although he didn't grow that much his length is only at 27 inches. Anyway, Dr. Boamah told us that she is planning to feed him more, since he is getting bigger we should try to do the bolus, like I think we can feed him more of solid food then we can reduce the TPN time. Ahhh this is another exciting thing to look forward. Jordan is getting 8cc per hour continous feed and 15cc of bottle 3 times a day. We will watch his output this weekend and if his output looks good, on Monday we can increase it to 9cc. by the way his stool is getting regular now, 2 to 3 times a day which is a good sign that his colon is working well. His ostomy bag had been behaving lately, what I usually do now is I change it every morning and before he sleep at night to prevent the bag from leaking or getting worn out. Ah thanks for a little break, hope it will continue to stay like this, but anyway have I mention now that he is more active, he sweat a lot and whenever he sweat his broviac dressing comes off too...we've been changing his broviac dressing almost every day. Dr. Boamah told me to try the adhesive to keep it seal, it work but there are some spot in the dressing that is still coming off. I am a little worried about this, I hope he doesn't get infection from opening his dressing. I would appreciate if you have any suggestions on how to keep it seal and safe.
So far Jordan's has been good, stable temp and he is just a happy baby. The only another down side is he got cold, a very stuffy nose and he is caughing. Im trying to treat it with Vicks vapo, every morning and night I rub it on his chest and back and we also got a vicks vapo steam, it helps him to breath better, every night we turn it on and put it on our bedside, its like we have a little sauna with the scent of Vicks.
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