We were having a fun all week until last Sunday night when Jordan got a high fever (102.00), he was shivering and was fuzzy so we rushed him to the hospital, soon as we got to the PICU his temp went down to 98...they did blood draw and run some test to find out if his infection went back or maybe a new bacteria is trying to grow. (It is hard to see those needle on him, it always brake me) Then I put him in sleep (he was really tired) after two hours he woke up crying and as soon as I picked him up he was shrivering so bad like his color had turned dark and his lips was so dry, we got really scared I never saw him like that and look so sick, we called the nurse and doctor right away. Good thing Dr.Rose is on call for the night, she was able to see him and gave Jordan tylenol right away. His temp was running high up to 102. I was sooo scared I didn't left on his side. After few minutes he calmed down and fellback to sleep. The next day, his temp went down to 97, but at lunch time during his nap his temp went back up again to 101 and he started to shake a little bit so I wrapped him and put some cold bib on the top of his head and they gave him tylenol and he went back to sleep. We started to give him anti-biotic yesterday, the one he had before Ampicilin and they decided to give him the Vancomicin which he gets every 6 hours.
I am hoping we could get the result today for the blood culture but doctor said its still showing negative and we should wait till tomorrow for the final result. They said if its the same type of bacteria growing from the one he had last time (two weeks ago)
culture should have been showing by now but it looks like its a new type of bacteria.
Today Jordan feels better and his temp has been normal but we are still watching him carefully. He is still active rolling around and cooing a lot. He is getting ready to crawl too. Everytime he's on tummy he try to push his legs up and push himself...but I think he might crawl with his feet instead on his knee heheehe. Oh yah another thing is Jordan got another teeth
growing on his lower gum right next to the big teeth hhehehe sooo cute I cant wait to see those two pop out.